Thursday, 19 March 2015

The Use Of Effects In My Video

I used the program Final Cut Pro on an Apple Mac when creating my music video, this is a specialist program that allows you to add a whole range of effects and transitions to your video.

One of the effects that I decided to use was the "Desert Glare" on all of my shots filmed in the green room, this effect helped brighten the white backdrop and make any shadows less visible. This also helped make the colouring more vibrant and made the red of her dress more eye-catching and pop out in contrast to the backdrop. I think this effect also made the footage have better lighting in general and make it look clearer than it did originally.

On the first few shots of my video I have used a mixture of two effects to make the footage appear to be old fashioned. The first one of the effects is called "50's TV" which is what created the black and white/sepia tones in the image. The second effect is "Film Grain" and this made the footage appear more grainy and fuzzy giving the look that television would of had during that time.

Once the footage changes to be in colour I added a different effect to my museum location shots. This is the effect "Old World" and works well as it helps give more rich and darker tones to the setting and make it have more of a vintage feel to it.

When the beat picks up in the song I have added some flashing light effects to help go with the faster paced parts. On Final Cut Pro this is known as "Intro Flashes" and I think they work really well with the timing of the beat. I also added similar lighting effects that gradually fade out and back to the original footage.

I also fixed some of the framing of the shots, this example shows that there seems to be a little too much space above her head, and to be correctly framed then her head should be almost touching the top of the shot. I used the option to crop the shot in order to fix this, it allowed me to re-position the clip and get rid of the unnecessary area. I did this for a few of my shots, including one where you could see a corner of the green screen behind the white backdrop, by cropping I managed to fix that issue.

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